Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Things No One Cares About, Life Edition

Because everyone cares so much about my life....

First, the major thing that has influenced the last week or so is the great house-sitting mystery of 2008. Jesse received a strange call on Monday of last week asking if we wanted to house-sit for a couple we know at church. The short end is that we agreed to stay at that house, take care of their two dogs, while leaving ours at home and checking on him at least twice a day. Not the most convenient deal, but it was worth it, if you know what I mean. So last Thursday, we moved out there for what we thought would be a two-week period. Then, Sunday morning, we received a call that the couple would be coming back that afternoon (roughly two weeks early). We don't know why the plans changed so drastically, but the general idea was, they wanted to catch us before church so that when they got home that afternoon, only the keys would be in the house. That was 6:30 AM Sunday morning. Obviously, we had a very busy Sunday morning. The good news is, we're back at our house now and Owens is happy. We're still not sure what happened, though. Strange.

Second, Steve Guinn (holla) finally got his way. I am now a member of the Bartlett Community Concert Band. The Guinn's have been after me for awhile, and with the persuasive influence of my wife, the three of them made all the arrangements. So there you go, after eight years of silence, the old sax is getting some use. The first rehearsal was kind of shaky for me, but I know that I can do it, so I think I'll be back. Yesterday's post attests to that - I will master the Bartlett Community Concert Band.

Finally, I encourage any interested reader to head over to NRNet (see the link at the top of this blog). You can find several things of interest at the fledgling site, in particular, my philosophy of youth ministry (in abbreviated form) under the (wiki) topic of mission.

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