Thursday, January 31, 2008

Naming Names

From Richard Hays' commentary on 1 Corinthians:

"... we must wonder whether our proclamation of the gospel can have any credibility unless, like Paul, we respond to the call of God by living a visibly alternative lifestyle that bears prophetic witness against a culture of self-satisfaction." (79)

I will be very excited to receive a copy of Peace is Every Step by Thich Nhat Hanh soon (with foreword by the Dalai Lama!).

And here's my nerdy question for the day:

When reading the Bible out loud, how do you prefer to read "the LORD"? For those who may not know (e.g., counseling majors!), there is a difference between "the Lord" and "the LORD." The Lord = title given to God in the OT; The LORD = chosen translation for the divine name (YHWH - I Am). Sometimes, I feel like I should read the distinction with "YHWH," but then I feel almost sacrilegious, so then I think maybe I could go Jewish and read "Jehovah," but then I think that most people wouldn't make that connection and be totally confused, so I just read "the LORD." I won't ask whether or not this is a huge deal, because I know the answer to that. I was just curious. Anyone?


III said...

I'll explain the distinctiveness of the tetragrammaton (I love dropping that word whenever I can! ;-D) whenever I find it important to do so. I've educated my church to the point so that they know when they read "the LORD" in their OT's that that means "YHWH," which one may choose to pronounce "Jehovah" or "Yahweh." So I feel free to interchange between "The LORD" & the other two monikers.

Justin P. Lewis said...

Well Mr. Better Christian than those who don't sit around and read commentaries all day, :)
I (counseling student) am aware of the name situation. Granted, it is fresh on my mind because I am currently taking Survey of the Old Testament. To answer your question, "how does that make you feel?"

Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson said...

I feel fine, and ironically, I did sit around and read a commentary today. Also, I'm glad my comment got to you because it was directed at you.