Monday, January 07, 2008

On Patrick

My blog is going private, so if you want to read it, send me an email at


Anonymous said...

Well, I knew this day would come.

Sadly, most 21st century Christians (especially the "educated" type) don't like hearing any viewpoint that might possibly contrast with their own, even when it's offered for purpose of simple dialogue.

So you're just following the standard, accepted and very anticipatable protocol that follows...exclusion, ex-communication, and passive condemnation.

Can't really say it's a surprise. Or that I'm disappointed. This course of action is much, much older than you are.

I guess you just are what you are.

Good luck to you, Nick. And GO MAVERICKS!

Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson said...

First, Patrick, I find it hard to believe that you have a handle on what so-called "educated," 21st century Christians like hearing. Your behavior leads me to believe that you aren't around that many Christians, regardless of education.

Second, I follow no standard but Christ.

Also, simple dialogue is hardly your purpose, nor is it the purpose of my blog. If you want to talk about something, I suggest you find someone who actually knows you.

This is the one problem I have with you: I do not know you. I met you once or twice a couple years ago, but really, the only relationship we have is through this blog, and I think we would both agree that it is not much of a relationship at that. The purpose of this blog is for me to share some thoughts, convictions, and life events with those who are close to me. You are not one of those people.

Regardless of that, you have felt the need to express your opinions in this forum. I accept your differences of opinion even though I think they are often tragically wrong. I do not accept the arrogance with which you express these opinions. If for whatever reason you still need me to hear them, you have my email address, send me an email. But please respect my decision to keep you specifically from engaging in the purpose of this blog.

Finally, you are right about one thing. I am who I am. You just have no idea who that is.

III said...

So I've got a question, Bueller. Do you want me to remove the link I have to your blog that is on my blog?

Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson said...

You probably should, just because I don't think people can read the blog now that do not have permission...