Jesse came home early yesterday and surprised me with a wonderful half-birthday, half-day celebration. She took me to Davis-Kidd to peruse the fantasy football mags and pick out my favorite (K & A be warned). Then we went and watched The Bourne Supremacy on DLP (shout out to Pops). Then, we went home and she showed me the best part, a month subscription to MLB TV. Through the end of the season, I get to watch any Sox game I want on the new iMac, which by the way, is more than capable of handling a full screen Sox game, or the uber-cool MLB Mosaic, which shows up to six games at once in a (go figure) mosaic pattern. So last night, along with a wonderful shrimp dinner, we got to watch a great Sox game in which they came back in the bottom of the ninth to win the game.
My wife is awesome.
Here's the new computer:
Is that one of the brand new iMac's? If so, I'm incredibly jealous. Though I do hope to following in your footsteps soon...
Yes, brand new. And let it be noted to those not familiar with the awesomeness of all things Apple: the COMPUTER is part of the 2-inch thick monitor. Yup.
Can you tell I'm obsessed? :)
You're new mac-lust will cloud your vision which will enable me to kcik your tail all over the draft table. That computer sucks. Oh and MLB..whatever.
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