Monday, November 05, 2007

Post #100 and the KKK

So I just saw this is my 100th post. I'm currently doing research on pacifists in the Restoration Movement at the time of the Civil War, and discovered something interesting. There's this story many writers tell of David Lipscomb. He was preaching against the war in Tennessee, when a Southern commander was sent to listen to the sermon and determine whether it was treasonous. This commander would say later,

"I have not reached a conclusion as to whether or not the doctrine of the sermon is loyal to the Southern Confederacy, but I am profoundly convinced that he [Lipscomb] is loyal to the Christian religion."

That's the story I've heard several different times. The detail I just read for the first time? The commander was one Nathan Bedford Forrest. I thought that was interesting, and you should know.


angie c said...

Very interesting indeed. Makes you wonder how much we still get wrong today (slavery)...I wonder if any right wing crazies call him unpatriotic? Probably.

Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson said...

I think both sides were upset with his lack of patriotism, actually. The war was too big for either side to think clearly.