Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Aussie Jealousy

I know I'm not the only one blogging about this...

But crikey, Steve Irwin is dead. And I'm not kidding when I saw the world has lost a great man. First of all, how can you be surprised that he died? I do not want to be mean about this, but it was bound to happen. There was a slim chance that he was going to live to a ripe old age, but the odds were against it. Also, how can you say that it was ironic that he died not doing something dangerous? The way I see it, when you are around anything than can and might stick a barb into your heart and kill you, it's dangerous.

Second, how can you not love the crazy things this guy did?!?! I'm not even mad about the baby incident. Besides Crocodile Dundee, Nicole Kidman, Sir Marcus Oliphant, Angus Young, Mel Gibson and Ned Kelly, he's got to be the one of the greatest Australians ever.

He might have been a lunatic, but in one sense or another, we all envy the things that this man saw and did. Even more than that, though, this guy had a passion. And not the daytime soap kind, but the kind that totally consumes your life to the point that it is SO extravagant that other people cannot help but notice it. The world saw him live and die for his passion. I don't think I have to explain where I am going with that one...

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