Wednesday, September 13, 2006

(Aussie) Irrelevancy

I may not be the only blogger, but apparently, I am the only one who cares...

In other news, it's now Day 7 of the Derek Webb crisis. Authorities are still searching for his whereabouts as they cannot free him until they find out where he is.

What is it about women that creates such drama? I work with all women (well, except for the gay guy and the husband of the owner) and those ladies are crazy. They get stressed out about everything and then start yelling at each other. Except they only mean half of what they say (read, yell) and are mostly just letting off stress by creating a more stressful atmosphere, as if that helps or makes sense. So what am I really saying here? Basically, that I am a guy.

Working at Super Suppers does not make me want to eat food less, except for Chinese. Must be all the raw vegetables. Or the dog meat.

1 comment:

Jesse Faris said...

Clarification for any women reading this blog: The yelling women at Super Suppers are doing it because they are just being "fake" dramatic. They pretend they are stressed out and run around like chickens without heads. But they do it mostly because it's fun, I think. Thus, Nick is stuck because he can't mouth off to these women in charge of him (which they wouldn't mind), but it is quite stressful to just be silent amidst this atmosphere all day.

Oh the things you go through to provide for our family. What a good man.