Thursday, July 15, 2010

Too Long for Twitter

"Thou, O Lord, canst transform my thorn into a flower.  And I want my thorn transformed into a flower.  Job got the sunshine after the rain, but has the rain been all waste?  Job wants to know, I want to know, if the shower had nothing to do with the shining.  And thou canst tell me - Thy Cross can tell me.  Thou hast crowned Thy sorrow.  Be this my crown, O Lord.  I only triumph in Thee when I have learned the radiance of the rain."

- George Matheson.

"The fruitful life seeks showers as well as sunshine."

Wow.  That is some good old-fashioned theology.  As Dr. Fortner would say, "How can you have faith and not know... [this]?"

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