Friday, May 21, 2010

new names

I've decided to go with something simple.  Nerd confession: I keep three blogs on blogger.  One is a private journal, which I have renamed meditatio.  Another is also a private blog for more literary endeavors, which I have renamed oratio.  And, the third is this one, which is now titled contemplatio.  I've named my blogs after latin phrases commonly used to represent fundamental principles of the contemplative life.  This fits with a personal goal of mine to become a more contemplative person in an effort to simplify my life in this world and to deepen my life in the Spirit.  Now that I've graduated, I'm trying to focus myself even more on growing my heart in God.  I feel as though my mind has gotten a head start (oh, that's a pun - unintentional) and I'd like my heart to catch up and perhaps even take the lead from here on.  So, there you go.  I recently deleted all but two of the games on my iphone (I left the two I never really want to play but might if I were stuck in an airport) and I've renamed my blogs.  Lame, but it's a start.

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