Monday, September 14, 2009

Day #1

I'm not going to apologize for not blogging much in the last couple of days/weeks/months/seasons.... I've been busy, sure. But who isn't? More so, I haven't been interested in writing. To say the last year has been an adjustment from "full-time" school to full-time adult would be well-stated. I haven't always enjoyed it. One of the less enjoyable things has been the automatic reallocation of time and effort. As such, certain practices (i.e., blogging) have received less attention that I would have liked, while others (i.e., dealing with angry people) have demanded much more attention that anyone would prefer.

I suppose that "dealing with angry people" line deserves explanation. For reasons best given at another time (or never), I work at a property management company as... a property manager. I really like my office mates and I am very grateful to have a job (period) that allowed us to stay in Memphis as long as we wanted, me to finish school, etc.

My job requires dealing with a lot of disgruntled people. Frequently, they're angry about something, usually money. My job is to deal with those people in constructive ways, which often means letting them share their anger with me without letting it affect me or sharing it right back with them. I've developed some selectively thick skin (avoid cynicism!) and unfortunately gotten pretty good at dealing with said angry people. Over the last year, I've learned from my overexposure to anger. For one, anger never helps but always hurts. Also, I've become convinced that the most overlooked fruits of the Spirit are probably kindness and gentleness.

All that to say, since I'm having such a hard time finding inspiration to write, I've decided to find inspiration in what's there, and right now, what's usually there is someone else's anger, so I'm going to write about that. Should be fun.


III said...

Glad to have you back

Unknown said...

you are correct. Anger never helps anything. I truly admire your penchant for avoiding cynicism in this case. well done. what is the secret? prayer & petition? the Holy Spirit?