Wednesday, September 24, 2008

No News

Yesterday, I got a little giggle from something we received in the mail and thought it was worth sharing. Jesse and I both received mailings from Harding in Searcy. Mine was addressed to Mr. Nick Faris, hers to Ms. Jesse Maddox. So, I learned two things yesterday. One, Harding thinks we're living in sin. Two, they hope to see us in Searcy for Homecoming.

In other news, the "I'm a PC" commercial is pretty good. It's also really late, like by about three years. And this is my problem with institutions. By the time they get a response together, even if it is good, it's too late. Give me grassroots, give me a quick response, give me a Mac.

In a related story, I also like the American Express commercial montage. Two good commercials there.


III said...

Maybe there'll be a purity & forced conversion forum that they were secretly hoping to guilt you guys into attending?

Kyle Smith said...

I'm actually not a fan of the Microsoft commercial. It just seems like a cheap knock-off of so many commercials before it. I am biased though...

The greatest thing about that commercial is that it has been proven that a lot of the technical rendering and editing of the end-product occurred on a Mac using non-Microsoft software.