Monday, August 25, 2008

The Fall

Go to yahoo fantasy sports, click on the college football pick 'em, and join my league (

Group #: 22148
Password: heisman

The first 50 get a spot! Fall is upon us!


JRay said...

Wow! So that means you are assuming two things: 1) that more than 50 people read this blog; 2) that of the MORE THAN 50 people who read this blog, where you primarily share your thoughts on deep theological matters, offer your sometimes original, sometimes borrowed (though always with the proper source adequately cited) philosophical ramblings or show pictures of your dogs accompanied by a sappy post, there are at least 50 people who interested reading about the kinds of things listed above regularly... and also LOVE college football.

I'm thinking that unless you have an ancillary source of participants beyond your massive blog following, this league might be topping out at 3 or 4 participants.

By the way, love the re-design on the blog. Sure, it has a heavy "metro" vibe... but honestly that's what myself and the 49+ other people who read this thing have come to expect from you.

Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson said...

It must be nice not to have a job and thus the time to put together a comment like that.

James T Wood said...

Josh, did you at least sign up for the game?

Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson said...

He did. There are now two people in the league.

JRay said...

After one week, I am DOMINATING 49 other people... mysteriously disguised as 3.