Tuesday, July 15, 2008

My Wife Thinks This Post is a Kitchen Sink

On the All-Star Game:

I do not like Joe Buck at all.
Tim McCarver is not bright.

The history of baseball is probably way cooler than its future.

I care more about the former players than Yankee Stadium. Good riddance.

The sight of a stealth bomber flying over NYC is not cool - it's scary.

The opening ceremonies of this year's All-Star Game are a good preparation for the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. Waaaaaaay too long.

I'm glad I'm not a Hall of Fame baseball player; I couldn't stand for that long.

From my buddy Josh:

On preaching - "It's a lot easier not to worry about the "deep grammar" or far reaching implications of a thought... especially if you think it could sound rather profound in the immediate. A dangerous temptation indeed.

I have a job now. My title is property management professional. I work for Enterprise Property Management.

Cormac McCarthy is an intriguing author. I just finished The Road. It was... intriguing. A lot to think about on what constitutes the nature of humanity and hope. When there's nothing left to live for, what do you live for?


III said...

I don't understand what people have against Joe Buck. But I do understand the bias against McCarver. You said it right -- he just doesn't appear to be very bright.

Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson said...

Two things with Joe Buck. The first is, he's arrogant, or at least comes across as it. When Randy Moss pretended to moon Lambeau, he acted like he really did. He didn't - it wasn't tasteless. When you see him on late night shows, he comes across as very, very pompous. I have, therefore, since he chooses to present himself in that way, decided that he must be in fact arrogant.

Second, the recent comment about how he doesn't like to watch sports when he's not calling it make me like him even less. You have the best job in the world, and you don't even enjoy it anymore? In the words of Gob Bluth, "COME ON!"

I just thought of a third, he doesn't even try to make McCarver look stupid.

And a fourth, his hair is lame.

On a side note, I think he may be one of the most high-profile examples of guys who followed in their father's footsteps and eventually realized he never wanted to.

Kyle Smith said...

You've been sucked back in to the beast that is EPM eh? Good luck to you!

Oh and I just don't like Joe's voice. It's annoying to listen to for 3+ hours.