Tuesday, April 08, 2008

This Memphis Mourning

Well, that game was wrenching. What a heart-breaker! My heart goes out to this Memphis team and its fans (I can only claim a bandwagon seat, at best) for a tough loss. Jess and I know several people who made the trek hoping for great things only to be disappointed in the haunting final minute of that game.

Yeah, the officiating affected the outcome of the game. It usually does. The real tragedy is in those final five free throws. And Coach Cal said he was willing to take the blame for the way they executed an attempted foul in the last 10 seconds.

What hurts the most is how much this city wanted/needed a win last night. Those players wanted to win for each other, but they also wanted to win for this city in a way that most college teams do not or cannot understand. In some way, this team was a microcosm of the city and it would have been great to see this city come out on top. It would have been great to see a united city, if only for a few weeks. As it is, this team played hard. They won more games than any other team in NCAA history. And, in spite of the loss, I think they earned a lot of respect for their city. For all of that, this city can be proud.

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