Am I actually starting to feel like Newman? Every time I turn on the television, there is Jerry, shamelessly promoting his new animated movie about a non-human entity. Really, Jerry? I'm actually starting to lose a little respect here. I know, I know... it's Jerry Seinfeld. Yadda, yadda, yadda. I could expect this from George, or even Kramer, but you, Jerry? For shame. For shame. This bee movie may be as bad a choice as the pirate shirt.

On a related note, someone needs to find a new take for these animated movies. They're aren't a novelty anymore, and I'm tired of the whole, "Hey! What if ________ could talk? That would be hiLARious!" angle.
Well, it could be worse. He could be shouting racist expletives, failing in a number of sit-coms (including one based on the life of Tony Kornheiser) or disappearing from the entertainment world completely.
Nick, you're right. I feel like Jerry Seinfeld has sold his soul to the corporate devil. Seriously, you can't watch something on NBC without this advertising. And the worst part of it is, it's just not funny. I really like Jerry Seinfeld too, Thank goodness the bee movie is almost out.
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