Yesterday, Owens desperately needed to go out. So I let him, thinking it was time for him to do his business. Turned out, he just wanted to rest on the hard, barren, weed-stricken
wasteland that is our backyard. It was kind of funny at the time. On the other hand, Trey was about to mow back there, so maybe Owens wanted to get some time in before it got even worse.
These days, I wouldn't mind being able to spend some time outside doing yard work, reading a book, playing some game - relaxing. As it is, summer weather is in full swing and it's getting quite hot, so I'll have to find some way to enjoy these days from inside. But, lest I anger my mother-in-law with shallow talk of the weather (a somewhat-dated joke), I figure it is time to move on past the Belize post.
Yet, even though the summer weather is in full swing, my summer season is rapidly coming to an end. Summer camp has come and gone, with it the long sweaty days, the frustrating-but-rewarding 10th grade boys Bible class, and the stinky-but-air-conditioned 10th grade boys cabin.
Jesse's birthday has come... and remains with us. She opened some presents before camp, pseudo-celebrated on the Monday of camp, had cake and ice cream with the Rays last night, and has one or two special surprises from her husband yet to be discovered. We do know how to celebrate.
My summer job at Super Suppers is coming to an end. August 4th is my last day, Lord willing for good. That is because August 6th is my last first day of fall classes. I have a one-week intensive all day, every day from the 6th to the 11th, with four or five books to read before class starts. Here's to the history of the American Restoration Movement. Add to that three more weekly courses starting two weeks later, and I'm taking my first of two four-class semesters that promise to be full, if not filling. I'm doing that so that by the end of next spring, I will only have one class remaining and be done with full-time school.
That, of course, means that the time is rapidly approaching for the job search to begin. I am filled with the circular emotions of excitement and fear when I think about finishing school, most likely moving away from Memphis, and starting a ministry with my wife to teenagers and their families and so continue to answer God's call for our lives. Please pray with us about our future.
Finally, least importantly but also very exciting, the end of the summer season means the beginning of fall and football. Bob and I are already planning to start up the seven again, in conjunction with a pick 'em tournament through the worldwide leader. War Eagle. Camp is opening for the NFL as well (not surprisingly, I'm thinking the Pats will go all the way) and with it, fantasy football.
With all that, it seems the fall will be spectacularly busy. Looks like I'll be enjoying these dog days after all.
Are you taking the same class as Steven? I guess that it would be hard to know seeing as how you guys don't talk on a regular basis, but I am sure that he will be excited to have another buddy in there. Congrats on you last year in school and good luck with the job search. I know that you guys will be a blessing where ever you end up.
are you playing fantasy football with the same boys? does it cost money? and do you have a live in-person draft? If the answer to the first question is yes, and the last two is no, then if you'd let me, i'd like to join.
word verification: hegfntiw
O happy day; Owens is one happy dog.
With a picture like that, you can talk about anything you want and I'll tend to agree. Hey Nick, you could even round up your own church.
With all this clandestine weather chat, I must confess that at a ladies' luncheon two weeks ago (please assure your wife that I still have a few friends), I admitted that if I were back in school, I would study for a degree in meteorology.
Yours is a bright forecast,
--appeased m-i-l
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