Monday, March 19, 2007

A Bob Blog

Bob told me to blog this, so I am. I have a feeling it will only be of interest to me and him. How's that for an attention grabber?

So, I'm doing research for the passage in Mark 9:49 about salting with fire, and one of the articles I read mentions the danger in taking certain passages too literally, and then references an article written in 1928. Curiosity aroused, I looked it up. Here is the passage referenced:

"And yet so terrible is it to Christ that one should be smirched by evil even there, that He plunges me into that terrific metaphor, surely the most heart-shuddering thing in Scripture, about the right hand cut off and the right eye torn out - anything, everything to be saved from this foul, festering pollution! Once on a day I had a ghastly experience. The phone rang early in the morning, and an hysterical woman's voice bade me come instantly. I went, and found that a most brilliant student had suddenly gone crazy in the night, had with a safety-razor cut off his hand, and lay there laughing exultantly. 'I did it right,' he cried, 'I can look Jesus in the face.' They took him to the hospital, his hand beside him in a paper bag, and from thence to the asylum, poor crazed soul! But as I stood there in that blodd-splashed place, Christ's hate and terror of sin even in thought came rushing in upon me. Pluck it out! Cut it off! Or it will fester, poison, slay your soul!"

There's a witty response to this strange anecdote, but I can't think of it. I guess if you want to post a comment, let me know what you would say in response to this story.


James T Wood said...

Dude, that's freaky. I'm not sure what to do with it.

I'm pretty sure that Jesus was using hyperbole when he told people to cut and pluck. Maybe he was speaking alegorically and wanted us to remove sin from our lives in a way that is a final as cutting off a hand.

I think the worst part about that quote is that at the end the guy seems to honor the crazy-hand-chopped-off-dude. *shudder*

Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson said...

Well, now we know James is not witty.

Josh said...

To quote the 3rd clone from Multiplicity ...... I want pissa !!

Oh yeah and the question I have is did he use a lady bic?? I hear those are quite sharp.

angie c said...

Ouch. That's what I say. Did this fella shove planks in his eyes too. Ouch. Reminds me of Spies like Us when the Russian guy says, "I cut off a finga", and Chevy Chase says, "mine or Yours?" I dont know why...

Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson said...

The old plank in the eye routine is a good point. It would only happen if he saw a speck in his brother's eye, though, am I right?

Anonymous said...

i have a speck in my out!

lee said...

I would say that plucking my stray eyebrows is enough to impress on me the effects of unchecked pride.

angie c said...

Yea, maybe he would take a wine opener to his eyeball if he had a speck in there? Good point Lee. Sometimes I just peel my fingernails to the quick. Man that hurts and teaches me a good lesson. I like that better than a chainsaw to the wrist.

Unknown said...

I thought I posted, obviously I didn't so I will respnond again in like phrase though I don't remember exactly so here it goes.

Jesus need to chill out a bit.