Sunday, February 04, 2007

That Special Place

These days, the most crowded room in the house is our bathroom. I know, it's supposed to be a taboo subject, but with the chief's approval, throne room talk has been allowed. So what's the big deal with our bathroom? Well, the new coat of paint does look nice, but it's actually not the atmosphere. It's the game. That's right, I recently uncovered a treasure in the attic that has taken pride of place in the next to the toilet paper roll and the plunger. And I give you, Electronic Hand-Held Yahtzee.

Would you believe my wife did not know how to play this game? The first few days, she had no idea what I was doing in there. Even with a 53-man roster, taking the Browns to the Super Bowl... well, you get the idea. But eventually, with the silent moments of contemplation being interrupted by piercing screams of "YAHTZEE!" her curiosity got the best of her. And now that I have explained how it works, it's a race to get to the bathroom first. Heck, I may not even need to go, but I'll still take a study break to try and beat the high score. So maybe it's a taboo subject, but in our house, there's no place we'd rather be.

A Few Bonus Yahtzee Tips:

I really feel like getting to 63 for the extra 35 points is key.

With the electronic version, rolling is easy. Starting over when you don't like your roll is even easier.

Finally, it's important to keep your focus. Just because it's in your hand does not mean you should wipe with it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would also recommend the travel edition of Parcheesi