Thursday, April 06, 2006

Where is everyone?

So at thing point, I'm thinking I can type whatever I want on my blog. I'm even past the point of people commenting that they want me to post again, which is great. It basically means one of two things: 1) Jesse is tired of me enough at home to not care about what I say on my blog or 2) well, actually, maybe there's just one. I'm not even sure if more than 4 or 5 people I see on a regular basis read this. Now, if that's not an obvious cry for affirmation, then I am even more pathetic than we thought.

So, I'm married now. It'll be a month this Saturday, so I give you the obligatory "Thoughts about Being Married" post...

1. "Morning people" often clash with "night owls." At this point, I'm not entirely sure that Jesse is not some kind of mutant vampire (she can stand the sunlight, but just barely). Of course, she likes the beach, so this doesn't really work, but the point remains, my wife does not like the morning. And I, on the other hand, like to sleep at night.

2. This thought is directly related to the first. Coffee drinkers are a strange breed to me. Personaly, if you claim to be a morning person, but can't do it without your coffee, you're just faking. Either way, was is it about coffee that makes such a drastic difference on someone's mood, senses, breath, etc? Oh right, the whole addiction thing. Oh well. Besides J.J. Abrams, it's probably my second favorite addiction, so drink away America. I have a feeling this one is here to stay.

3. The Darth Vader cookie jar I got as a wedding gift from my former youth minister's kids may just be the coolest thing I own. Now, I just need to get some cookies. The "Fill Vader's Face" cookie donation station will be opening soon if you would like to make a donation.

4. That last post has little to do with being married.

5. And this one is important: ALWAYS marry an awesome person (just one at a time though). I did, and it's worked out pretty good so far.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm happy about your cookie jar. And I agree with the morning person fake out. It's true of me at least.

I'm excited to hear about yall's trip, too.