Friday, April 07, 2006

History in the Making...

The title of this post is a phrase often used in reference to me. With this case, it happens to refer to the fact that I am posting on consecutive days. Never happened before, and it may never happen again.

Today, I would like to discuss America's Pastime. And yes, I googled it, it is actually "pastime." And no, I'm not talking about Laguna Beach. Rather, I'm talking about that most republican (namely the "grand" and the "old") of sports, baseball. For me, baseball is the classic story of undiscovered beauty that Hollywood so often exploits. A bit nerdy, rough on the edges, often looked over for more exciting things, wears glasses, trips often and drops stuff, etc. And yet, at the end of the show, baseball comes out on top. So just what is the fascination with baseball? Well, I'm not sure it's explainable in blog form, but I'm going to give it a try.

Baseball is dollar dog night and Lemon Chills. Baseball is the seventh inning stretch. It's the ballpark and the walk-off homerun. It's the organ and the constant hawking of overpriced wares. It's the hated rival and the beloved underdog. It's who is warming up in the bullpen, and the reliever coming out to face one guy before he calls it a night. It's the endless suspense of the final out. It's extra innings and rain delays. Baseball is a day game at Wrigley. It's the infinite possibilities of every pitch, swing, hit, and throw.

And for me, baseball is the Boston Red Sox. It's the Green Monster and Yawkey Way. It's Tek and Big Papi. It's hating Judas Damon, and loving Dave Roberts forever. It's THE bloody sock. It's the history. And now, it's May 23. My wife (Jesse Faris) has planned a trip to Boston on that day to see my beloved Red Sox play the hated Yankees at Fenway Park. Sorry, fellas, but she's mine. So really, I have the greatest wife ever. This is by far the greatest gift I have ever received in my entire life. It's absolutely one of the coolest things ever, and I know I'll remember it forever. I think about this trip every day and how awesome it will be and how I'll probably cry when we walk through the turnstiles and how much I hope the Sox win. It's all just perfect.

There's only one problem now. What do I get her for her birthday?


James T Wood said...

I have yet to comprehend the alure of baseball. Your "endless suspense" could be interpreted by others as "mind-numbing boredom". I just can't handle much more than the last couple of innings - the rest is just fluff anyway. And seriously 162 games - who needs that many games?

Well, I'm glad someone likes it enough so that Barry can afford to juice himself back to the stoneage. I would hate to see him as that puny tallented kid again.

Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson said...

Well, I can't deny that baseball hails from a time before McDonald's and Wal-Mart. But, perhaps that's part of its allure. It's a classic, and part of that means taking time to appreciate the details. If sports are ice cream, baseball is the best way to enjoy it without the brain freeze: slowly, one savory bite at a time, and NO "fluff." Except the cotton candy of course.

And, in regard to Barry, I'd just hate to see him at all.

Kristy said...

You do have the greatest wife! AND patrick and I are pretty jealous of your trip... My dad has the goal of visiting every major league park in his lifetime, and it made being his daughter very enjoyable and adventurous. Eat a good hotdog for me and Patrick!

Ashley @ pure and lovely said...

hahahaha! a diamond necklace. It will signify your true appreciation for the diamond you just visited. Cheesy? Im sure anything from Jcrew will do....;)

Jesse Faris said...

I accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express.