Monday, September 12, 2005

Will the Real Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson Please Stand Up?

"Warning, Hypocrite!"
- David Brent

So the world has gone blog crazy. A junior high girl might say, "BlOg KrAzY," but I will stick with just crazy. Which reminds me, proper punctuation is important, even in cyberspace. Some people say it is not important, but I say those people are freaking idiots. For example, a certain friend of mine likes to post insults on our fantasy sports message board. His favorite, and I'm not kidding, is this: "your an idiot." Really? What about my "an idiot?" I didn't know I even HAD an "an idiot." And, if I do, I'll kindly ask you not talk about my "an idiot" in public.

Anyway (not anyways), blogging. What is it about blogs? I mean, Barbara Streisand has a blog. And so does her nose. Outside of political blogs, news blogs, Boston Red Sox blogs, or Star Wars blogs, what's the point? I mean, am I really going to wake up from an afternoon nap and say to myself (out loud), "I wonder what is going on in the world of 150 junior high kids at Moore West Junior High?" Well, thankfully, and I mean THANKFULLY, there are EXACTLY 150 kids from that junior high who have decided to grace us all with such wonderfully cute, prepubescent phrases like "I love yew" and the oft-copied, never-duplicated typing in AlTeRnAtE CaPs! So, lest you not have time to peruse all 150 blogs, here are some selected favorites from our friends at Moore (is better) West Junior High (I can't make these up)...

"uhh i like rawk & rap! yea cool cool! I like shopping and oreos wit penut butter! yeah isnt that awesome! i like zebras! when i was little i hated sesame street!"
- Dumblonde096
[insert blone joke here]

"am i ugly? ... tell me the TRUTH ..."
- hamwich1633

"I am A fun outgoing gurl! I enjoy singing dancing and cheering! Iam completely high maintenance and I still play with barbies!"
- BaRbIe_GiRl_4_u

"true love has no age limit"
- Its_aLL_About_Me_1222

Okay, now I don't want to pick on junior high kids, because I know we've all been there. And even though very few things we worried about in junior high actually mattered at all, it still matters then, and I'm sure it does for the fine young lads and lassies at Moore West. Even so, do people really think that other people are so totally intrigued by their lives that they will read about them religiously on a daily basis? If someone really wants to know about my day, I think they could just call and ask. But create a blog? Honestly. I'm afraid that the blog has become this amazing new form of self-indulgence, where we daily remind ourselves and others who we're really about.

I have a blog now, and this time my girlfriend can post comments on it.


Jesse Faris said...

YEA! welcome to the world of inclusivism! i love you!

Anonymous said...

so now you can abandon xanga AND blogspot

Unknown said...

you forgot :

I like to hang out with friends