Sunday, November 09, 2008

Filibuster? Hardly know her!

As an aside, no show called "My Own Worst Enemy" deserves to be taken seriously. Also, it stars Christian Slater. Really, no studio exec at NBC could figure this out? Really?

I feel like blogging, but not about political stuff. Things are a little saturated in the political department these days. I need some fresh air.

Except now I can't remember what else I wanted to blog about. Stink.

Well, let me just say this, voting against gay marriage doesn't really solve anything. If you don't want homosexuals to ger married, fine. Whatever. But what does that really do? Protect the sanctity of marriage? Carry out the the agenda of the Kingdom of God?

Well... in short, no. If Christians are really concerned about the sanctity of marriage, shouldn't they stop getting divorced at a rate equal to that of non-Christians? Aren't our own marriages a good place to start? It seems a little odd to me for Christians to have such strong feelings about not letting homosexual couples get married when concrete evidence shows that we do such a poor job of maintaining holiness in our own marriages. Any Christian who is going to spend a lot of time and effort worrying about and voting against homosexual marriage had better make sure that he or she is maintaining holiness in his or her own marriage. Isn't that more important?

Secondly, if voting against homosexual marriage is something that someone sees as carrying out a part of the Kingdom agenda, then it seems to me that we also ought to be spending a lot of time hanging out with and loving homosexual people. I'm pretty sure that is a part of God's Kingdom agenda as well.

Not making the separate-paragraph-of-its-own-cut: the idea that homosexual couples, since they choose to live as such, probably should have some of the same rights as straight couples and the idea that it hurts our ministry to homosexual people when we so openly oppose the issue so that it also appears that Christians oppose them.

All that to say, I don't understand why homosexual marriage has become such a critical part of the Christian political platform. I'm not sure it should be. Or if it has to be, can it at least come from a better perspective? Unless, of course, if we're scared of something....

Bookend asides: Today, there was a misspelling at church on the song powerpoint that was hilarious. The song is "Lord, Reign in Me." The normal chorus starts like this "Lord, reign in me, reign in your power." The actual phrase as it appeard on the screen, "Lord, reign in me, rein in your power."

I was singing on praise team and had to put down my mic so people couldn't hear me laughing. How funny. Rein in your power. I will not sermonize on Christians asking God to rein it in. I will just laugh. Because it's funny. Yeah.

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