Thursday, March 27, 2008

Gospel e-Meeting (prolegomena)

I've been thinking a lot lately, which is really nothing new and probably not surprising to those who know me. These thoughts are torturing me and I feel the need to put these thoughts into some form lest I explode. At the broadest level, I am beginning to envision a gospel according to me. Not THE Gospel, mind you, but the interpretation that I proclaim with my life. To articulate this means several things.

First, it means that this undertaking will by its very nature be incomplete. I do not pretend to be something other than what I am (shout out to Dennis Green). Of course, what I am will be understood by the Gospel I proclaim.

Second, it means my presentation will likely be nuanced in different ways from yours. This is an important distinction that requires at least two things. For one, it requires, I think, that at the very least you respect my interpretation. For two, it requires that you wrestle very seriously about what gospel your life presents.

Third, let me say early on that there is a difference between The Gospel and my interpretation. This is my presentation. I can claim it to be mine in that sense. In another sense, obviously, I do not own the Gospel. In preacher-speak, we might even say that it owns me. The point is, and as a corollary to the second point above, please be nice with the semantics. This is not my gospel, but my interpretation/presentation. Clear as mud.

Fourth, any presentation of one's interpretation requires a significant amount of humility. Therefore, I wish to communicate clearly now, and not for the last time, that these are my thoughts at this time. I have little doubt that I may write something now that I will disagree with or be ashamed of at some time in the future. The goal of this presentation is NOT to present the reality of truth in its unchanging form. In the same way that I cannot grasp fully who God is, I seriously doubt whether I will ever be totally satisfied nor finished with my understanding of The Gospel of God and what He has done through His Son, Jesus, who is the Messiah.

Therefore, I begin this presentation with the concept of movement. The goal of my presentation of the gospel is to encourage movement toward God. I believe that this is the goal of The Gospel. So also is it the goal of mine. As we encounter the gospel, even in its various interpreted forms, we are to be encouraged to move toward God. I will elaborate on this more, but the Christian life, if nothing else should be defined by this movement toward God. So also, the gospel according to Nick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nick it is really arrogant of you to try and define THE gospel. If that's not what you are doing you should spend more time and try and explain that a little more clearly. Just kidding.

I like the idea of movement fitting into your vision of the gospel. Movement is a concept that is pretty much woven into the fabric of the universe. It would make sense, particularly to the postmodern generation I believe, to include that in your understanding of the role and impact of the gospel in our lives. Good thought.