Monday, February 25, 2008


Few, if any, will care about my opinion on inconsequential things such as the subjects of this post. That won't stop me from posting my thoughts, but at least I'm not deceiving myself.

No Country For Old Men deserved every award it got. My goodness that movie continues to provoke me. I have to say it is rapidly becoming one of the greatest movies I have ever seen. Yes, it is rather graphic in parts, but never gratuitously. That is, it's not Saw IV. As I understand it, the violence is true to the book, which I still want to read having seen the movie. Javier Bardem deserved that Oscar; he stole the show as the creepiest/scariest/most intriguing villain this side of Dr. Lecter. Combine that with solid performances by Tommy Lee Jones and Josh Brolin, and this movie is simply an astounding piece of work. I know it won't be for everyone, but if you can understand the story for what it is, you will not be disappointed.

Once was a great movie. I love the soundtrack, the song was deserving, and I'm really glad Marketa got to come back out and say thanks.

Ellen Page may not have been acting very much. Juno was still very good.

Personally, I don't know how naming your daughter after the devil wouldn't at least increase the odds of her becoming an exotic dancer. Diablo? Really?

John Stewart: C-. Although I am still laughing about the Harrison Ford joke.

The Kidd trade didn't seem to solve anything, but after the last two games, color me mildly interested.

The Memphis game was a heart breaker. I probably agree with what everyone else is thinking about that game, most importantly, that fans of that Knoxville team are annoying. The ugly orange are now odds on favorites to get busted in the 1st round next month.

More on cynicism later today.


Angela said...

She changed her name to Diablo...her real name is Brook, and her parents look as normal as the Cleavers. She was on Oprah a few weeks ago. That's where I got my info. She said her parents can't even get use to calling her Diablo.

Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson said...

I'm not sure that makes it any better, but whatever... Brooke, Diablo, what's the difference right?