So this Christmas was really great, except for one thing:

If you look closely at the left side of the puzzle, you will NOT see the missing piece, but you will see where it belongs. Talk about a study in futility, shouldn't the puzzle companies be doing something about this? Full refund with picture evidence seems like it could be exploited (although one might ask why), but why not set up some way for them to send the missing piece in the mail? It would be like Calvin's beanie or the Little Orphan Annie Decoder Ring, I'd check the mail every day. Until then, there's a hole in the Aegean. (See Buster for spiritual parallels)
By the way, I did not finish the puzzle. Look at it! All that's left is blue, who wants to do that if there's still a missing piece??
umm, i hate to be Captain Obvious, broseph...but isnt the piece you are looking for BLUE? basically no one is going to feel sorry for you until you finish the puzzle and you know for certain it is missing. You could have missed it. You might want to try that first, i mean what if it is a lighter shade of blue because their is a mysteriously magical orb (like the one in L.O.T.R.) under the Aegean Sea?! you never know. JUST FINISH THE DARN PUZZLE!
word verification: elalyp (thats what you are)
Nope, that puzzle has been put away. All you see on the table is all I had, and the piece was more black than blue. Please, you couldn't even do half that puzzle.
And just in case anyone is worried, anonymous is my little brother.
Aughhh! The news is out! Little brother's secret identity has been compromised.
In defense of Santa, he really just thought this puzzle would be fun for you to work over the holidays. He had good intentions and was unknowing that it would be the worst Christmas puzzle ever...
Way to insult the little brother in front of millions of readers. It's kind of like how your wife insults my husband by confusing him with his brother.
Quitter? You should have made a piece from a different puzzle fit.
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