The title of this post could be a good blog name for those eschatology freaks. No really.
Today, I was driving in the Target parking lot, and this old lady forgot to stop at the stop sign, so she had to hit the brakes when I pulled in front of her to turn, and she looked at me, and with the meanest granny face you can imagine mouthed the words, "STUPID JERK!" At first, I was mad, but then, the thought of an 80 yera old getting angry and yelling at me was pretty funny. So, naturally, I turned around, caught up, and cut in front of her again. You'll be pleased to know I got the EXACT same reaction. That was kind of mean, I know, but totally worth it. Stupid Jerk! Ha!
There aren't many months, weeks, or even days before I go to Hawaii. That's exciting. Oh, and I guess I'll be married by then, too.... Of course, I'm really more excited about getting married, I just wanted to say it cleverly. I suppose I could write more about getting married, but I don't think it would be very original. Everytime I tell any of my married friends about ANYTHING that has happened during the engagement period, they just smile and nod. It's annoying.
Don't say I never post.