Monday, March 26, 2007

My Kojak Son

Last night, in a fit of boredom/stroke of genius, I grabbed the Mad Gab box and broke out some family fun. It works best when you are both feeling a little punchy. Our favorite of the night was Thou Sundial Undress Sing, which I managed to scream over and over for a good five minutes without getting. That was followed by the dumbest Mad Gab ever: Gym Carry (I'll give you a hint - Jim Carrey was the "answer").


Larissa Smith said...

My little sister and I are only good at that game as a team. I read it really fast and slurred together, and she can tell what it is supposed to be. Whoever came up with Mad Gab was a genius; it is addictive.

I agree. That is a very dumb Mad Gab.

Chad Billy-Steve Pknicholson said...

It really is. I just said it out loud, and Jesse gave me this strange look, turned the card around, and then said those very words (This is a very dumb Mad Gab).

angie c said...

Never played it. Sounds like something I'd like though.

Mommy of Boys said...

thousand island dressing