Saturday, November 18, 2006

It's the Most Wonderful Time

Who doesn't love the holiday season that is descending upon us? It's the best! I love this time of year. Starting off with Thanksgiving, the Macy's Day Parade, the football, the turkey, the football, Christmas shopping the next day, the football, the decorations, and of course, the great holiday traditions! The cool thing for Jesse and I this year, is that we get to start our own (which really just means we continue the ones from our families that we cherish the most).

Here are a few of mine:

- Everyone must start, of course, with the old tannenbaum. Ornaments and lights are key, but often it's the oft-overlooked tree skirt that really ties it all together. Although, I am opposed to tinsel. I prefer multi-colored lights/common ornaments to the more stuffy, one color/one-ornament-repeated tree. Some of my fondest holiday memories are laying on the floor of the living room with the family, lights off, listening to Christmas music, and watching the lights sparkle on the ceiling.

- I LOVE Christmas lights on the house. The cooler it looks, the better. Also, driving in the car to check out lights in the fancy neighborhoods is great.

- Christmas movies are a must. My two favorites are White Christmas and It's A Wonderful Life. Jesse loves A Christmas Story, which is also good (it better be since she quotes it year-round).

- Finally, Christmas food. Gingerbread cookies, hot chocolate (check out the Chantico at Starbucks), etc. Two family favorites are my mom's WORLD FAMOUS sugar cookies and also chocolate peanut butter balls (buckeyes for Bob's sake).

Yep, I'm pretty sure the holiday season, in all its glory, is upon us. What are your favorite holiday traditions?


III said...

Bueller, I'd have to say that losing to Auburn is becoming a Holiday Tradition. I wouldn't call it my favorite holiday tradition, however.

I'd have to say my favorite tradition is the backyard football game our family has every Thursday/Friday afternoon (depending on which day we are all able to get together due to other family obligations) Thanksgiving weekend. Always a blast.

angie c said...

You better add my famous turkey to that list or I'll un-invite you Christmas Eve.

Pictures are hilarious. What is it with men and not shaving in the winter? It seriously does a number on the women's faces. . .

Jesse Faris said...

Beating Alabama is definitely one of my favorite holiday traditions.

Angie, I'll speak for both of us when I saw that we are psyched about your Pesto Turkey! mmmm mmm good!

Julie said...

Neek you are so funny!!!

Favorite holiday traditions: watching Christmas Vacation while putting up the decorations (I laugh just as hard every year when he falls through the attic...I know it is going to happen and still...). I love making sugar cookies, reading the Christmas story from Luke, fun dirty Santa exchanges. And getting together with friends who come to where we live1!!