Monday, September 18, 2006


My wife got her hair cut and it looks great! I cannot even begin to describe how truly hot she is. You just need to see it for yourself.

I've decided I don't mind working at Super Suppers. It has somehow helped me understand women a tiny little bit better, but at the same time, make me feel less inclined to communicate with them. I suppose that only affects my wife, but don't worry baby, I'm not going to quit communicating with you. Props to Jonathan Jerkins for the somewhat related idea that the worst work environment is either all women or all men.

The Red Sox took three out of four from the Yanks this weekend. Too bad it didn't count for squat. What will make this pain even worse is when Jeter gets the MVP over Ortiz. Once again, an undeserving Yank (although more so than last years fiasco) takes the prize over a deserving Big Papi. I can't even begin to tell you what a difference Ortiz made to the Sox this year. So I won't.

I still don't have the Box live. As a result, I still miss Charles.

Finally, after two wonderful experiences with young married couples yesterday, I think it's funy how much we all enjoy reassuring each other that we're all in the same boat. This is why most tv shows about married couples are so popular. It's not the new material - mostly because the material is not new. It's all just a different persepctive on the same problems. They are popular because all married people can relate. It's kind of nice to know that you're not the only one who argues with their spouse about _____________. In fact, if we're not dealing with ________ right now, it's funny to watch someone else successfully deal with ____________ in less than 30 minutes. With that in mind, my top five marriage-centric television shows (with the disclaimer that many marriage-centric shows could arguably be called family-centric as well):

5. The Simpsons
4. Mad About You
3. Home Improvement
2. The Cosby Show
1. Everybody Loves Raymond

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey A. N. Mouse

Next time you call me leave your number I don't always get a call back number.

God Bless